About Me

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What God has done changed my life around. I gave my heart and life to Jesus Christ at age 10. I am so thankful He died for my sins and I desire to live to please Him. His love is unconditional. I enjoy trying products and posting reviews, love health and fitness, entertaining kids, i live food, and i also love to clean and organize when i can.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Modesty for Christians


If you go to the website (with the survery), you can read people's responses to this topic. Its sad that there are people who have an issue with the topic of modesty, when it's clearly spelled out for us in Scripture!!!! It's SOOOOOOO not about judging!!! It's all about making sure we are doing all we can, in the love of Jesus, to help our brothers in Christ. It's what we're called to! And as far as this being a topic that some think is overdone? I immediately think of what Peter said, and the fact that this is an issue that will ALWAYS need to be held up as the standard for which Christ has called us to live! As Peter said, " ... I will not be negligent to remind you always of these things, though you know and are established in the present truth. Yes, I think it is right, as long as I am in this body, to stir you up by reminding you...." 2 Peter 1: 12,13.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Difficult places

Living in Missouri, is not by choice. The military stationed us here in Knob Noster. It has been very difficult living away from family, friends, in the city, and with better weather. Missouri's weather is all four seasons. Winter is icy and frosty, fall is all sorts of color and dead plants, but beautiful in the beginning, spring is rainy and very very windy, for a short time there's flowers, but bugs over take them quickly. In the summer, the heat and humidity is well above 100 and humidity sores. The churches here are so different, so Denominational. Where's the fire, the love, the hospitality and friendships? One thing I know is I desire so badly, to live near my family and my niece and nephew. Life just seems to be going downhill, and getting very depressing. It's so easy to tell people just to pray, to trust the Lord. But when we do so, and God doesn't answer our prayers, how are we to remain joyful? It HAS to be God, it can't be us. He has to be the One to do that work in us. He alone knows what is best. And if God so cares for us, He will do whats BEST.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Remember Our Place in Submission Before God

Psalm 90
"Lord, through all the generations You have been our home! Before the mountains were created, before You made the earth and the world, You are God, without beginning or end.
You turn people back to the dust, saying, 'Return to the dust!' For You a thousand years are as yesterday! They are like a few hours! You sweep people away like dreams that disappear or like grass that springs up in the morning. In the morning it blooms and flourishes, but by evening it is dry and withered. We wither beneath Your anger; we are overwhelmed by Your fury. You spread out our sins before You-our secret sins-and You see them all. We live our lives beneath Your wrath. We end our lives with a groan.
Seventy years are given to us! Some may even reach eighty. But even the best of these years are filled with pain and trouble; soon they disappear, and we are gone. Who can comprehend the power of You anger? Your wrath is as awesome as the fear You deserve. Teach us to make the most of our time, so that we may grow in wisdom.
O Lord, come back to us! How long will You delay? Take pity on Your servants! Satisfy us in the morning with Your unfailing love, so we may sing for joy to the end of our lives. Give us gladness in proportion to our former misery! Replace the evil years with good. Let us see Your miracles again; let our children see Your glory at work. And may the Lord God show us His approval and make our efforts successful. Yes, make our efforts successful!"

Sunday, August 2, 2009

random thoughts

I just needed to blog again. I think its from the chocolate drops, FAKE RUM brownies... I had to clear that up with a few of my honeys... hunnies. Sorry, sugar is on my mind. I made delicious baked fries sprayed lightly with canola oil (safflower) and sprinkled with garlic salt and red pepper. MMM! You have to try that. Don't forget to wash the potatoes first, please!! There are all kinds of poopoo on those starchy veggies! You don't want to contract Hepatitis! Unless you just want to get your moneys worth from the shots you got!! YUCK!
I don't et shots, sorry, I don't go to doctors, sorry. No blood tests or pap stuff for me... not until I seriously have to go. (IE) Like when I am pregnant! Then I will go...

Hmmm, so I made brownies tonight because I wanted popcorn or chocolate. Too dark to drive 10 minutes away taking the FWY to walmart without my husband... so I stayed home and conqocted whatever I found in my house... not a good idea... not the best tasting... but its only food to stuff in my face. :)

And so... another night passes where I cannot sleep. I will sneak in bed exactly 3 minutes before my husband awakes so that he doesn't know that I had been awake all night long. Oo ah ah!

My place

I moved to Knob Noster Missouri October 27, 2008. My husband, being in the military, is stationed at Whiteman AFB. We live off base and are able to save money. Unfortunately we only have one car, and Brent usually has the car for his 16 hour work days. If I ever want the car for airens or to get out of the house, I have to wake up at 3am, take him to work, and come home. Not many times do I ask for the car. Why? Because if wake up at 3am, I will not be able to go back to sleep. I miss being in California. At first, I admit, I was so unhappy and discontent. I had been praying God would change my heart and give me contentment. Complaining never helps anything. Many days I would feel like watching movies and eating, I mean I live in Knob Noster with high humidity and heat or freezing cold and not much around. What else is there to do? I would pick up the Bible and read, always praying though. I felt stagnant for 6 months.
It isn't easy being a military wife. I am not alone, many military wives struggle and need encouragement. Is that why I a here? I believe God is using me and I know He is going to provide and bless me. Maybe it's big or small. Maybe its my desire or not. But it's His perfect will and the wisest and most blessed thing because it comes from God and His heart of Love. I am just thankful to be in God's presence everyday, to come to Him, to Jesus Christ, and have that personal relationship-communication with my Saviour God and Best Friend. He is so deserving of my attention, my obedience, and my love. Everyday is a day I know Jesus more.